Monday, September 16, 2013

Where will you give Time or Money to Defeat Government Abuses?


Money talks and it speaks louder every day. Today I opened mail from 9 conservative groups pleading for money to fight the fed’s unconstitutional and illegal actions. Assaults on our freedoms are snowballing and concerned citizen groups are springing up everywhere to stand against the onslaught.

Remember Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways”? To government, we could say, “How do you deceive and plunder me? Let us count the ways.”

The list of government abuses is astonishing, from the bribery of Obamacare and the deceit about its costs, to Benghazi’s proof the administration abandoned Americans under attack to cover up illegal activities, to the planned billions in unearned benefits to those criminally in the country. Evidence suggests that election fraud put Obama in office, paired with the pesky citizenship issue of Obama’s eligibility for office that refuses to go away. These are the tip of the iceberg. America has never seen the intensity of scandal and dishonesty awash in the country today.

Don’t stick your head in the sand and hope this all goes away. It won’t. The arrogance and disdain of the progressive movement swells daily. Why not? They do unimaginable things and nothing happens but hot air. The unthinkable grows bolder, the contempt for law and order more brash until public opinion becomes a buzzing fly to offending politicians. You must ask yourself, “Where and when will all this stop?”

Complaints are rampant. Talk is no longer enough, folks; its time to put your money where your mouth is.

Without funds these freedom movements go away and we lose our constitutional republic. Mailouts and postage, office help and rental space. phone bills—all take money.  It’s expensive to fight treachery, and the big dollar guys live on the other side of the issues.

Why does Daddy Warbucks always back the freedom killing causes? The answer is simple: competition. Once you “gain the gold” you want to keep it and the freedom called competition can take it in a hurry. The new kid with the nifty idea takes your market and your greenbacks fly out the door like Southwest Airlines off the Denver tarmac. So the rich kill competition with federal control.

Put your money where your mouth is and contribute to organizations at work to hold back the progressive tsunami. The pretty something for your bookcase, the new golf clubs, the family vacation will go away permanently if we don’t douse the bonfire that’s burning liberty. Spend the money, instead, to secure the possibility you will have those niceties in future.

Get involved. Pick the threatened liberty closest to your heart, research it, contribute to an honest organization battling that issue. Contribute time if you can, but also contribute money to save liberty. While downtown beautification and the local soccer league are worthy causes, they won’t stop Obamacare. Continue wise local efforts, but give money to fight for freedom. You can’t afford not to.

We picked Liberty Council as a worthy donation point. I’m not recruiting or driving traffic, just giving an example.

Do something, folks—freedom is dying left and right around us. Listen; you can hear it gasp.

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