I’ve been rereading Democracy
in America by Alexis de Toqueville, published in 1825. It’s an eye opener—you
would think something that ancient would be outdated. It isn’t. His mind
fascinates me—he saw so many things about America and Americans that I would
never think of. I feel like I’ve been dipped in “smarts” every time I read.
The Democracy part of the title has always confused me. I think
we use the word differently today than they did in the early 1800s. Today we
view democracy, one of the three main forms of government, as dangerous--politicians
can “buy” the public. (The other two are a monarchy—rule by one, and an
oligarchy—rule by a few--always the wealthy and important. None of the three
give the best deal to ordinary people.)
As de Toqueville used the term democracy, it meant majority self-rule. The two definitions aren’t
the same.
Majority self-rule means we govern ourselves according to
what the majority wants. This can be done in different ways, one of which is to
elect representatives to act for us, which is the American way. The elected
level between us and government gives us safety and prevents mischief. If the
representatives remain honest and true to their task, we really get sound
government out of this arrangement.
A pure democracy also meets the self-rule by majority
criteria. Under a pure democracy, however, everyone must speak. That never
works. Imagine the disaster if every single citizen had to vote on every law,
be at every city council meeting, traffic court, and department meeting. That
wouldn’t last for long.
Ancient Greece tried pure democracy and it survived for only
60 years or so--their Golden Age under Pericles the Great. Those who had to
work for a living quit showing up for the vote. After awhile only the wealthy,
who had others to do their work, attended. They drafted laws to get what they
wanted and then bought off the people to make it happen. Democracy tumbled, as
a pure democracy always does.
The Founders worked all three major types of government into
our system: a president for the monarchy, a Senate for the oligarchy, and the
House of Representatives for all the people. It
worked well. Still, everything was based on the majority. Without that,
a minority rules—a few, who get what they want, and we would not be equal.
We’ve messed it up pretty badly. Part of the reason is that
we have redefined equality. We say that everyone deserves the same everything.
It’s impossible.
The only fair equality is that we can keep what we earn or
what is given to us. We are equal before the law, in the courts, and in
God-given rights. Government can’t make everything equal. Equality means that
you get according to what you do and are given.
A last word about Alexis de Toqueville: he was young, French,
and a nobleman’s son who came to America in 1823 with a friend and left 9
months later. He was smart and paid attention. After he got home he spent years
writing about what he learned in America, putting the information into two books.
It’s amazing how clearly de Toqueville caught our national
personality. It can be confusing, however, until you understand about democracy
and the equality part.
If you want a great summer read, try the abridged version—try
the original only if you have time on your hands! I can never read more than a
few pages at a time because I have to stop and put the pieces together with
what I already know. Democracy in America
is amazing! Try it!