
Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Rules for Creating “Rights”

Perhaps you’ve wondered how to create a “right”. Its simple. Consult one of the many playbooks of progressives, such as Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”. The five-step technique is as old as time.

First, make up your “right”. What do you want? Don’t limit yourself; you can get anything if you follow the pattern. Look at other created “rights”: the “right” to free contraceptives for your escapades, the “right” of sex with guys-for-guys and girls-with girls, the potty “right” to any bathroom in the school, regardless of gender, the “right” to kill an inconvenient fetus, the “right” to a hefty cut of Wall Street’s profits, the “right” to be paid for not working—whatever. Logic and reason are immaterial, so go for it, baby!

Second, gather others that want this goody. Spend a lot of time together. Develop your “doctrine”, spin your need, make yourselves victims through deprivation. Find a catchphrase to hook the public—equality works well. If history won’t cooperate, rewrite it; few will notice. Practice makes perfect, so the more you spin your story, the more it’s believed. Remember, you’re going for non-thinking people.

Third, take your “right” to the world. Preach it to the press; they’re suckers for wants become “rights”. Hold parades; do press releases, interviews, speeches in the park. Suck in the rich and famous who have more dollars than sense. Find those who need something to bleed for and make them mascots. Tell heart-wrenching stories of those denied their “rights” to get yourself and your mascots on TV. Demand favorable legislation. Elected representatives, desperate for re-election, will take up your cause so they look good and get favorable press. Seduce legislators, mayors and governors with your need; heck, go for the big time—get the president on board. Get money behind you and buy power; don’t let anything stand in your way. Many Americans are too distracted, lazy, or apathetic to care, so there’s isn’t much to stop you at this stage.

Eventually, opposition will build, so the fourth step is to destroy your opponents. Forget right and wrong; you junked that long ago and its baggage now. Believe this “right” is real; that your security and happiness depend on it, so you can speak with force and gumption. Slam anyone who disagrees. Call the non-believers names—bigot, glutton, homophobe, terrorist, tyrant—whatever. Contemptuously rub their principles and morals in social mud. Attack their reputations, picket their businesses, blame the other party, take them to court. Hold sit-ins, love-ins and rallies. Master the 60 second soundbyte and give the panting press plenty for the evening news and the front page. Throw crumbs of approval and attention to the mainstream’s useful idiots who help you.

Step five is the easiest. You now have your “right”, but don’t rest; more ”rights” are waiting. Build on your success. Help others who are creating “rights”. No good society-smasher ever stops with his initial objective; there’s always more to want, more “rights” to create, more morals and principles to destroy. If you rest, your conscience might catch you, putting you at risk to lose everything you’ve plundered.

There you have it: the Rules for Creating “Rights”. This age old process is tattered from overuse. Interesting that so few have put it together……………

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