
Friday, March 6, 2015

Forget Compulsory Vaccinations

Measles, normally a health issue, has become a political football — a story only half-told. The moaning in the press and social media on the issue could be dismissed, were it not for the ominous undertones to take away personal freedom and compel immunizations.
Two key issues are involved: Do vaccines work and are they safe? If either answer is “no,” the vaccine issue withers.
Do they work? Temporarily and sometimes, but outbreaks among the vaccinated are common. The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says, "measles transmission has been clearly documented among vaccinated persons. In some large outbreaks...over 95 percent of cases have a history of vaccination." Research from The Journal of the America Medical Association says protection after rubella vaccinations fell to half within four years, and Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) vaccine failures are common.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, board certified in three medical specialties, has invested 18,000 hours of research on vaccines using CDC official data. The evidence says the illnesses addressed by vaccines were already on the wane before the vaccines arrived. She identifies deceptive vaccine research policies that compare a new vaccine against an existing one rather than a neutral placebo to produce skewed results. Dr. Russell Blaylock agrees and says a double standard exists for reporting on vaccine research. The pro-vaccine side can “say they are safe, without any supporting evidence whatsoever, and it is to be accepted without question.” Opponents offer multiple proofs and are ignored. Tenpenny’s 18,000 hours found no true double-blind, placebo-controlled studies done on vaccines, period: “they aren’t proven effective.” That’s a “no” on the does it work question.
Are they safe? Tenpenny says vaccines are not “relatively harmless” — her research uncovered tens of thousands of media-unreported individuals injured or killed by vaccines. Combined vaccines like MMR are the worst. Each carries potential damages, as vaccines sometimes cause the diseases they are to prevent and multiple vaccines can produce multiple infections simultaneously. The American Journal of Epidemiology says these results can be fatal, especially in an infant, whose newly formed brain and immune system are very susceptible. A person’s own biology: age, current illness/infection and immune deficiency can individualize a vaccine, making it unpredictable, according to Dr. James Mercola of
Separate vaccines given days or weeks apart can mute, but not eliminate the dangers, according to Dr. Andrew Wakefield. His landmark research linked autism, intestinal abnormalities and loss of acquired skills such as walking and talking to the MMR vaccine. Dr. Wakefield’s medical experts investigated previously normal children who developed the "onset of symptoms…after MMR immunization.” His research has made him unpopular with the medical/pharmaceutical community, which uniformly denies his research. Undeterred, he cites 28 studies published in professional journals such as Pediatrics, Clinical Immunology, Pediatric Neurology, and Medical Microbiology for proof.
Vaccines can be contaminated with DNA from other animals and play havoc in humans. According to Vincent Racaniello, Ph.D., Professor of Microbiology & Immunology in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University, the avian (bird) leukosis has been found in measles vaccines plus simian (monkey) and porcine (pig) DNA contamination in others. The SV40 virus, created in monkeys, infected both the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines in the 1950s. Both vaccines are now known long-term carcinogens, according to the SV40 Cancer Foundation. This sounds like a “no” on the safety issue, also.
Scare tactics govern media reporting on measles. We are told that 197,000 children die annually of measles. Correction: 197,000 people die, some of which are children, in a total of 6 billion people. According to, that’s 0.00328 percent. Here’s the shocker: in 1963, before the vaccine was developed, the worldwide death rate from measles was 0.00237 percent, less than it is now with immunizations. To be fair, the disease has been reduced in the US, but measles is nowhere near a raging epidemic or a major killer.

It’s hypocritical to suggest forced measles vaccines in a year when the CDC is apologizing for its failed flu vaccine, again. Aimed to combat the three flu strains expected to be dominant each year, 2014 flu vaccines missed the mark, again. Flu vaccines are only 47-62 percent effective, anyway.
Those who aren’t vaccinating tend to be thinkers who research, then take courage to counter the culture, which isn’t easy. Measles is rarely serious, just as the common cold and climbing stairs are rarely injurious. Fearmongers overlook the mid-1900s, when every kid in school got measles and had no aftereffects except permanent immunity. Does it concern parents that vaccine makers have no liability for bad vaccines or unethical research? With no consequences for mistakes and misbehavior, can their products be guaranteed safe for your children? The media never reported a whistleblower’s 2010 accusation that Merck lied about the safety of its mumps vaccine, or that vaccine makers years ago asked the courts for immunity from “thousands of lawsuits.” They also don’t say that the $2 billion dollars paid in over 2,500 vaccine-injury cases since 1989 were paid by the taxpayers through the federal government, nor do they announce the outrageous and inexplicable practice of government paying for the damages done by private companies.
With such a powerful “rest of the story,” compulsory vaccinations are unthinkable. The immunization issue has joined the worrisome, media-driven mob mentality developing in the nation. Irrational fears took over and reason disappeared as the public became inflamed over three — only three — cases of measles. The evidence doesn’t support the dialogue on compulsory vaccination. Even if it did, Constitutional freedoms don’t. This argument should die an unheralded death. And that’s the rest of the story.

Pamela's new Ebook, "Promises of the Constitution:"    Go to: 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Newest Bailout Begins at Home(school)

Spend some time at Home School conventions, as we do, and you realize that America is experiencing another great bailout. This one isn’t in the financial sector, it’s in education. Parents have been bailing their children out of public education in record numbers.

Homeschooled children have increased at least 20 fold since 1999, according to

States finally broke the stranglehold of mandatory public education in the '90s, giving parents in every state their constitutional right to teach their own children, though state laws control the process. The home school movement then took off.

Some parents are being driven from the public system by deep concern, even anger toward Common Core. They object to the shadow takeover of education by the federal government and the humanist philosophy behind it. Of particular concern is the attack on religious worship. The above website says about a third of parents pulling children out of public schools give this objection. One mother, with both homeschooled and public-schooled children, related that her public school high-schooler snapped a picture of a Common Core multiple choice test question that asked about the effects of religious worship. All the possible answers were negative. Another mother in a firmly Christian home related that her 8-year-old daughter came home from school expressing doubts that her religious teachings are true—a matter rarely questioned at that tender age. Parents are deeply concerned.

Homeschool parents repeatedly say they want to be in charge of what their children learn. They don’t trust strangers or government at any level with the values their children are taught. Nichole Patty explains that she homeschools her children because “I want to be the writer of my children’s core standards and beliefs. I can share my belief in God and ignite a desire to learn. I can give them better tools for life.”

This parental watchfulness is valid because a child lives what he learns. Richard J. Maybury, in “Personal, Career, and Financial Security”, explains the models each of us form to interpret life; models established in childhood and rarely changed in adulthood. He relates that our Founding Fathers built protections for the freedoms of speech, press and religion into the Constitution so children’s models could form in moral ways. He says, “They (the Founders) did not want anyone controlling the flow of information because they knew controlled data leads to controlled models, which leads to controlled behavior.”

This makes the anti-religion bias of Common Core and public education a serious matter. Homeschool parents who believe children are happiest when they live religious and moral principles are acting to preserve their children’s values by teaching them at home.

Not all parents who homeschool are rejecting public education, however. Nannette Wiggins and Jane Mack of Orem describe themselves as homeschool moms and grandmas since 1982, long before the movement became popular. Both now teach their second generation offspring. Nannette embraced homeschool 32 years ago because she hated sending her two young children away every day. She approached her sister, Jane, whose reaction was, “Hey, I thought of it before you!” Both just wanted to be with their kids. Assorted children of the pair now also homeschool their children, as well.

Over the years, homeschooling has changed. It’s more acceptable and there are plentiful support groups and quality materials to help. Nannette now teaches music in a homeschool co-op where parents rotate topics yearly. Its one of the benefits of homeschooling: “You get to keep learning along with the kids”.
Sometimes parents homeschool to give attention to special needs children. Jane teaches her young ADD grandson, who was wilting in public school, for two hours every school morning. He is flourishing. She says “he’s not the same kid” and her grandson says “every day is recess” because his school is fun. It’s a payday for grandmother Jane.

One thing you notice about homeschooled kids is their open and inquisitive nature. They look you in the eyes and they talk to you. They can communicate opinions, interests and ideas of their own. Consistently you sense they are confident, relaxed and unstressed. You see families together more; they are comfortable with each other and seem to enjoy each other in ways you rarely see outside the homeschool ranks. One criticism says homeschooled children don’t develop as well socially. If critics are speaking of the “attitudes”, rebellion, disrespect and animosity wrapped around many teens today, this would surely be true. Otherwise, the kids appear to be happy, have friends and develop social skills to thrive.

Homeschooling isn’t for everyone or every child, as Nannette and Jane emphasize. They believe parents driven only by anger and distrust of public education and Common Core need something more than just their negative emotions to sustain them. While homeschooling is time consuming at first, it resolves into an orderly pattern that puts children in charge of their own learning curve and gives parents space to “have a life.”

In the end, it’s a choice parents make to be more involved with their kids. It isn’t, and shouldn’t be, however, a guilt trip for those who choose otherwise. Most parents are very well-traveled, their guilt trips having taken them around the world and back, and they don’t need any more travel time. If you are considering homeschooling, information is available at Utah Home Education Association at and dozens of online sites. Good things, good resources and solid support await you. And P.S: don’t forget to teach the Constitution!

Pamela's new Ebook, "Promises of the Constitution:"    Go to: 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Prayer & God: From the Eyes of a Child

Pamela's new Ebook, "Promises of the Constitution:"    Go to: